Monday, December 16, 2013

Celine's First Snow!!!

Celine and Toni in their matching coats! 

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Toni Makes a Nice Pillow!

Celine just loves her great Auntie Toni!!!  She likes nothing more than to snuggle right up next to her and take a snooze.  Only problem... the feeling is NOT mutual! ha ha  Even still, I am so proud of my Toni for putting up with Celine and her puppy antics.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Celine's First Halloween!!!

Tomorrow will be Celine's first Halloween.  She won't tell me what she is dressing up as, but she says it is really good and really scary.

Today she got a Halloween card in the mail from her grandparents.  She was REALLY excited.  I showed her the orange envelope and she said, "That is the same color as me!  This Halloween thing MUST be a special holiday for me!"  She then grabbed the card right out of my hand AND RAN AWAY WITH IT!!!  She ended up on the couch, card in her mouth! 
"That's for ME!!!"

"I wonder what is inside???"

"Calvin!  Look!  It is a card!"

"And paper money to buy treats!"

"I don't have time to go buy some cookies... I'm gonna eat the card!"

"Mmmmmmmm... Tastey!"

Once she ripped her card up, she ran off.  I guess I won't be putting this card up on display!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

4 Dogs...

Coexisting on the bed... for now!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Last week I traveled all the way to Kansas to get a sweet little girl named "Celine".  She is Happy Fantastic's great-great-granddaughter.  And great-niece to Miss Toni Terrific.   It was a very exciting (and much too short) trip in which I got to meet Toni's brother Jagger and His Majesty King Presley (Happy's look alike great grandson).  I also got to meet some very wonderful people, all who are even MORE crazy than I am about their basenjis.

Look at me!  I am Celine!

Birch's My Heart Will Go On 
Just look at that mischievous look!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Meet Roscoe!

Meet Roscoe!  I am fostering him for BRAT (  Only problem is that I am falling for him!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Lazy Summer Day

"Hey Toni, you got the right idea!", said Calvin.

One of Toni's favorite spots.

Calvin's new favorite spot.

Monday, June 10, 2013

The Sleeping Weirdos, Part Deux

From this angle they don't look so weird...

But... How can this be comfortable???  Calvin was sleeping standing up!

And Toni was sound asleep with her front legs sticking straight out!!!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


I love my dogs, but sometimes they can be such weirdos!!!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Attack of the basenji terrorists!

There is a reason why I have a heavy metal trash can with a boulder inside it... So this doesn't happen.

Basenji terrorists attack my kitchen.

Apparently they wanted to be comfy while eating the trash so they brought it piece by piece to their bed in the living room.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The Calvin Cave

Well, Batman had the Bat Cave so it is only fitting that Calvin has the "Calvin Cave".

"Hmmm... How do I get inside???"

And he's in!

"So... am I doing this right?  I go INSIDE the cave?"
"Yeah, this feels about right..."

"I LOVE my Calvin Cave!"

 p.s. Due to the fact Toni has claimed every seat in the house she will NOT be getting a Toni Cave.  And Toni... DON'T STEAL CALVIN'S CAVE!!!  That is supposed to be his special quiet place!